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Project Introduction

We are doing a project which is based on the Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership, 2014-2017 Local Community Plan (LCP) and aims to encourage more people in Inverleith to cycle.


Our project begins on 23 Sep 2014. We did a fast hackathon on one day to collect some basic data from Inverleith, and then we move on to the Slow Hackathon.

Slow Hackathon:

We spend most of time to collect data from people by various methods: online/paper questionnaires, interview, community conference and cycling experience activities.


We are still trying to involve people to participate in our data collection process, and hoping to use the data we collect to build an evaluation platform that rate certain roads in Inverleith based on different parameters: cycle lanes, speed limitation and traffic flow of motor vehicles, signage & navigation, path materials & surface smoothness, gradients & slopes, calories etc. 


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